Week 19 & 20
October - 2020

Week 19 & 20
October - 2020

Daisy's Thoughts
These were two very important weeks in Daisy's life! Daisy and I boarded a flight out of San Luis Obispo with out destination of Salt Lake City. Our fist leg of the journey took us to San Francisco. After one hour we flew to SLC.
During both flights, Daisy was outstanding. First in the terminal, we were greeted by numerous people wanting to know about her and to pet her! This is not unusual, I usually plan extra time in our journey for this interaction. On the flight, Daisy automatically settled at my feet and slept most of the flight. On take-off she looked up at me to see how I reacted. Again upon flaps down. Daisy was content that my reaction was calm.
Upon landing, we traveled to gather our bags and then off to the rental car. It's like Daisy has done all of this before. No stress, no hesitation.
Upon arrival at the hotel, Daisy settled into her kennel for a short nap. Very important to kennel train service dogs!
Later that afternoon we made our first visit to her client and her family.
More next time...
30 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
I thought I was going away and the little puppy was taking my place. But I was wrong! I did go away with human Ray on an airplane (it was not a big bird as I thought) and had fun visiting new people. Then I came back with human Ray.
Once I was at this new place, I remembered I have seen this one girl many times before.
This girl, I'll call her human Girl, was very nice! She always wanted to pet me and snuggle with me. At first I thought, "Wait, I have all of these other people to hug too", but after hugging for a long time I let the human Girl hug and snuggle the most. Human Girl is nice.
After awhile, I remembered where I saw human Girl. Where I live with human Ray and the other humans, I look at this window that is where human Ray sits and looks at pictures and words. That's where I saw her, lots of times. But when I saw her at this new house she was bigger!
I tried to ask human Ray how he showed me the human Girl in the window and now she is here really big? I think human Ray is magic! I wonder if he could have the little puppy go into the window so I could just look at him if I wanted to?
Sometimes it's hard being a growing puppy.