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Week 32

January 4,  2021


Training Plan


Training Plan

This week I'm sharing Daisy's training plan for the remainder of her time here in California.  All of the skills and tasks listed to the left will continue to be reinforced.  The following skills are the culmination of months of fundamental skills and hours of real-life practice. These 11 skills are the exact jobs Daisy will have to perform for her client.  All of these skills have been taught in parts leading up to the final push to get Daisy to perform these actions with confidence when called upon.

Street Crossing: BUTTON

Daisy will assist in crossing street on command using trained protocol, push crossing button (if available), sit on Client’s left side facing street, look, release, steady walk (Only need to practice pushing the button)

Ask Daisy to sit, then say “button” while pointing to the button. (Not a command, no release).  If not pushed after the first attempt, “button”. If not successful then push yourself while saying “button”.

Try again when you return crossing the street.

Steady:  STEADY

Daisy will stand and brace in front of Karina to allow her to put pressure on the dog, to assist standing or sitting. Daisy’s head to RIGHT hand. Practice in bathroom, living room and dining room.

Make sure you have a treat with you.

Have treat in RIGHT hand, say, “Steady”. With treat in hand, lead Daisy by the nose toward your left knee, then circle her around in front of you, Daisy should be perpendicular to human.

Once in place, secure your left hand over Daisy’s hips, right hand over shoulders.  Slightly push up to stand.  Not much pressure, we start out light then increase.  Never put your full weight on Daisy in this lesson. Treat, “good steady”, (Not a command, no release). 

Door Opening Non-ElectricOPEN

Daisy will open and hold any non-electric opening door that a pull strap can be secured, the Client must place the pull strap on the door.  Daisy will release the strap when Client passes through the door opening.

Find a door that has an enclosed straight bar handle or any handle where a strap can be put through (round handles or latch handles may not work).

With one end of the pull strap attached to Daisy’s vest, put the other end through the handle. Give the loose end to Daisy, tell Daisy, “Open the door”.

Then immediately tell her to “backup”.

When the door is open, tell Daisy to “drop it”. Have Daisy come through the door, praise “good open!”

Door Automatic SlidingDOOR

Daisy will assist Client entering through automatic sliding doors by blocking the close signal until released.

When entering a store with automatic sliding doors, say “Door”, have Daisy come halfway in so her body is blocking the electronic eye. 

Have everyone come through the door.

Then, “Daisy, release”, where Daisy will completely enter the store.

Door Automatic Button OpenBUTTON

Daisy will assist Client entering through automatic doors by pushing the auto-door open button located on the nearby wall.

When entering a building with the push-button door open, say, “button” 

Daisy will push the open button and walk with client through the door.  (Utah State University)

41 weeks old

Daisy continues her foundation skills:

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Wait

  • Heel 

  • Look at me

  • Doorbell

  • Shake

  • Leave it

  • Nice walk

  • Off

  • Come

  • Kennel

  • Stay

  • Backup

  • Open & Close Door

  • Confidence

  • Home

  • Off leash

  • NOW!

  • Ramp walking

  • Distractions

  • Walker

  • Bring it

  • Give it

  • Elevator

  • Airplane

  • Take-off and landing

  • University campus

  • New house

  • Hotel

  • City transportation sniff

  • City transportation ride

  • Advanced Walker training

  • Door open

  • Door close

  • Traffic light button push

  • Confidence

  • Opening doors

  • Closing doors

  • Carrying items

  • Crossing Highway 1

  • Working with distractions

All of the following tasks have been introduced to Daisy.  During these next months, Daisy will review, practice and master these skills.  It’s a process.  Daisy will have performed each of these at least 100 times by the time she returns to Utah.  The directions you see here are for all Zelenski family member trainers that will have Daisy at various times.  Karina, your directions will be different, just using the key words.

March and into April will be dedicated to review and solidify training.  When Daisy’s maturity and skill development intersect to demonstrate her continuous ability to perform her tasks, then she will be certified to start work.


Many, if not all, of these tasks Daisy will already know what to do without being told.  For example; when I’m walking Daisy she already knows to walk on the left side.  In addition, when I stop walking, she will sit without being asked, and then if I stand too long, will settle without being asked.

THIS IS KEY!  Daisy is learning to anticipate what to do next depending upon her client's actions, the environment and realizing what her client expects next.

The client's TRIGGER WORDS are displayed in the color red.


Ray Zelenski


(Get Items: Socks, Shoes, Brace, Jacket)

Here we are starting with socks, have a designated pair of folded/rolled socks in a designated place.  Always use this same location. Show/remind Daisy where these items are located. Sitting on the floor with Daisy, say “Socks” while pointing in the direction of their location.

When Daisy delivers the socks to you, reward.  Eventually, move on to the remainder of items.


Daisy will stand in front of client as a barrier between client and obstacle, object or person.

Start by standing, Daisy should be on your left side, standing or sitting. With a slightly louder voice, call “NOW!” Daisy should move from your left side to directly in front of you, if not, gently encourage her with a treat, then if needed, a slight tug on the leash.

Here is the trick: Daisy needs to be facing away from you with her back to you.  You may have to lead her by her nose with your right hand to this position. Once in place, treat. Eventually, I’ll get Daisy to get into position and bark one time.

End this skill practice with “OK”.

Carry Items:  (NO TRIGGER WORD)

Items that fit in saddlebags will be carried inside and outside of the house or at the office including upstairs.

With her red vest and saddlebags secured, place one item in each side (keep it balanced), then have Daisy follow you around or take her for a short walk.

Not too much weight, use small books, thin notebooks, towels, clothing.

This training session should last no more than 15-20 minutes with short walks, walk upstairs and down and change locations each training session.  During training, stop to remove and replace items in the saddlebags, then continue walking.

Garbage Can: PUSH

Daisy will open the top using step lever upon command. Using lever type garbage can, point to the opening peddle and say, “Push” If not successful, use a treat in your hand, again point and say, “Push”.

Is still not successful, repeat, “Push” while you show Daisy how to open the can.

End of training session.



Daisy will provide support to client while walking wearing her Mobility Support Harness. 

Once stability harness in securely in place, have Daisy walk on your left side (nice walk). Your left hand will be on the harness’ extended handle. While walking slowly, shift your balance to one side.

Eventually, Daisy will shift her weight and stabilize to give you a secure handle.

Reestablish your balance and continue to walk. In one session, try this using both unbalances right and left.  Daisy always will be on left side.  After several times, end of session.

Pulling ItemsPULL

Using a laundry basket, Daisy will pull a basket and contents as directed within the house or office. Sitting on the floor, with one end of the pull strap attached to Daisy’s vest, put the other end through the laundry basket.

Give the loose end to Daisy in her mouth, tell her to “backup”.


Returning next week....

Daisy's Digs

A Puppies' Point of View

                                        By Daisy D.



1-on-1 Service Dogs


Ray Zelenski - Owner

Send me a message


Located in Morro Bay, CA

Yes, we travel to other locations to place your service dog

and train the client.

Contact Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 10am
​​Saturday: 8am - 10am

(Other times are reserved for field training)

Pacific Standard Time

Doggie-Do-Good (DDG) is where our work with service dogs started.  They are a successful California company that continues to place service dogs in the community. 

© 2025 by 1-on-1 Service Dog Training - License #BL20-0184

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