Week of
July 6, 2020
15 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Daisy continues to sleep all night in her kennel and patiently waits until I get her out in the morning.
I've been asked why we nighttime kennel train? The kennel at night creates a safe space for the puppy and controls their where they do, or in this case, don't do their business. Once placed with the client, the puppy may or may not sleep in the kennel. The transition going from kennel to free sleeping is much easier that the opposite which would be on the shoulders of the client.
The 4th of July in Morro Bay was quite subdued so we didn't take Daisy to the beach fireworks as we've done with our other dogs. However, there was some neighborhood celebrations and Daisy handled the fireworks in stride.
During the day we walked her in the dog stroller to the beach where the younger Zelenski family was enjoying the sun. Daisy was soaking in the ocean air with our family when Mackenzie put her on the boogie-board. Like the skateboard, she did well like it was something that she had done before. Amazing puppy.

Week of
July 6, 2020
New Play:
Meeting new people
This week we started encouraging Daisy to pull on the new monkey pull toy. At first we would hold one end and encourage her to take the other. "Yes, good pull" was stated anytime she even attempted to take the toy. By the end of the week Daisy discovered, with great enthusiasm, that she could open a door using the monkey pull toy. After her success, we would free play with the toy for a few minutes before the monkey retired to the closet waiting for the next time to play.
One of Daisy's tasks will be to open and hold heavy swing doors like you might find at the bank or in a library. This fun activity will give her the foundation of this future skill. We'll continue to work with "Pull" each day for a few minutes.
While at the beach on the 4th, Daisy was able to steal the heart of one of Morro Bay's new police officers. Both enjoyed the extended interaction. Now that Daisy is able to start going places on the ground, this will become an important part of minimizing distractions of people and places in the environment. These interactions will enable Daisy to better focus on her job with her client.
Overall, Daisy is right on if not ahead of schedule in her development.

Daisy's Thoughts
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
One day human Ray, the tall man human, took me on a long drive. We went to this place that smelled familiar! I wondered, had I been here before? We were met by a tall lady human, she too looked like someone I knew. So human Ray was holding me then, PINCH on my scruff! I said "Ouch, what was that?" Then this human lady said, "In three days Daisy can be on the ground", to human Ray. Oh well, I'll wait 3 days to see what that means!
Back to my story, some of the other dogs there said that they remember me! And I remember them! But they were all bigger, except the little one, he is still small. I remember he used to bother me. And he would not leave me alone! He kept sniffing, following and barking at me saying "Come on play" for over a long time! Then I saw the place where humans sit, I knew it, this is where I was born!
We played for a long time running, jumping, sniffing, you know dog stuff. It was fun! Then human Ray said to the human lady, "We've got to go, it was fun seeing Daisy play for a few minutes."
Then we left that place and went back to my place. It was a fun day!