Week of
June 15, 2020
12 weeks old
Daisy made her first trip to a friend's house for dinner this week. She stayed quietly in her kennel during dinner, then enjoyed a bit of freedom after. Daisy is still sleeping through the night and goes into the kennel without issue. It's good to have her run in the evening on the side of the house just to make sure she is tired!
Training this week included continued "wait" training and introducing "down" after she sits. We also started "get" training working with some of the items her client will need. Everything in small steps and fun, always saying "yes!" to this little one.
Daisy loves the outdoors, when we take her for a walk or run on the side of our house, she is reluctant to come back in without some game to take her mind off the inevitable.
Daisy was inadvertently introduced to a fountain of water from the hose when I tossed the sprayer aside. The handle locked open and doused the side of the building. Both Daisy and I needed a towel.
Overall, Daisy is right on if not ahead of schedule in her development.

Week of
June 15, 2020
Daisy had quite a week. Each time we see her doing something that resembles a behavior we want to reinforce she hears the work "yes" followed by her name and some praise.
For two weeks now each time Daisy needs to go outside to do her business we ring the doggie doorbell. Monday evening, as I worked in the kitchen I heard the doorbell ring about five or six times. I immediately thought my youngest daughter, Madi, was just messing with me. As I looked over I saw Daisy pawing the button then she turned around looking at me as if to say "Let's go", I started to laugh as it was so cute and very rewarding. This behavior continues each time she needs to go out.
Another important behavior was learned this week. From a sitting position, now Daisy sits when we face her without a command, upon "Daisy, down" she slowly lowers herself to the floor. Using the technique that introduces this behavior in small steps, she has progressed to completing the task with just the words and hand signal followed by lots of praise and hugs.
Finally, Daisy's first introduction to skateboards!

New this week!
Daisy's Digs - By Daisy D.
I came to this human's house a long time ago, I think days! At first I was not too sure what was going on! When I was born I was always around other pups that looked like me, now, there are a bunch of giant humans all over the place. This week I'm old enough to remember all the things I've been doing, like sitting and sleeping. I like sleeping. When I stand on all my paws, my tail is always back and forth, back and forth, so that makes me happy.
My humans are very strange. Each time I needed to go, you know, outside they rang a bell. I could not understand why, so I just listened. Then one day, the man human didn't ring the bell. I think he might be too old. So I went over myself and rang the bell. This made the giant man human very happy. I guess I'll ring the bell for the old human each time I need to do my business. I'm trying to be really nice to him.
A fun game we played this week is called "Daisy, down", it's when I get to stretch out on the cool tile floor. This also made the man human happy. I'm not sure why because the floor feels good on my belly not his. So when a human says down to me I cool my belly!