EXPLORE 1-on-1

8 weeks through placement
Training begins immediately according to your needs and the puppies ability. We start building the foundation for success from day one.

8 weeks through placement
Each day we focus on natural behaviors where positive reinforcement through contact, praise and rewards are key to happy, relaxed training.

8 weeks through placement
Your service dog is trained to provide you with the assistance you require. The foundation for these skills started on day one.

8 weeks through placement
Training begins immediately according to your needs and the puppies ability. We start building the foundation for success from day one. For the first six weeks or more of our training, starting at 8 weeks upon the dog's arrival, we hand feed and hand water each service puppy. This allows us to build this vital bond and provides the window of opportunity for potty training. A major characteristic of Bond-Based is working with the puppy reinforcing their natural behaviors we desire that will become part of their service to their client. See "Positive"below.

8 weeks through placement
Each day we focus on natural behaviors where positive reinforcement through contact, praise and rewards is fundamental to our success. The word "yes" always leads the positive. The key here is to observe each service puppy looking for the kind of behavior we want. Once observed, positive reinforcement is given through praise, treats and physical contact. Negative actions are ignored until they are no longer part of the puppy's behavior. This method is more time consuming, but the additional investment certainly is justified as the puppy develops into an outstanding service dog specifically trained to your needed behaviors. See "Skills For You" below.

8 weeks through placement
Your service dog is trained to provide you with the assistance you require. The foundation for these skills starts on day one. Prior to training, we will discuss and agree upon specific skills your service dog must obtain in order to make the quality of your life improve. The foundation of these skills are established right from the beginning and reinforced each day until that time where your service dog is performing tasks naturally. About at 12 to 24 weeks of age, we ramp-up our training specifically targeting your needs. This period of training builds upon the solid foundation already established early in the puppy's life. We continue positive reinforcement and all of the bond-based practices that got us to this point. It is also our belief, and practice, that your service dog will be able to anticipate your needs without commands. Dogs are intelligent when given the opportunity to develop that intelligence.
We continue training right up through the day your service dog is placed in your home. Training continues as you are instructed and given practice as both the services dog's new client and trainer. Online instruction is available for your review and training. We believe that a service dog is never "fully" trained. New environments, new challenges, new needs arise. We are here to support you and your service dog.