Week 21
October 26, 2020

Week 21
October 26, 2020

Daisy's Thoughts
After Daisy's tour of the San Francisco airport, Salt Lake City airport and northern Utah, she's back working on her skills.
Each morning Daisy takes a walk with Stacy and a neighbor in the dark at 5am. She love's this time and does wonderfully. However, I've noticed during the dark of the evening, she becomes skittish. Last night, for example, we stopped at In-and-Out Burger and Daisy was a bit overstimulated. Loud cars, lots of people and bright lights seemed to see Daisy withdraw a bit. To help Daisy, I'll be going to In-and-Out Burger each evening until she slowly gains confidence. Just kidding! However, I will expose her to various evening situations over the next few months.
Daisy experienced yet another unusual environment this week. Anytime we can expose her to these new places, the better she becomes ignoring distractions. Check out the photos of Daisy in the Baseball Training Warehouse of Paso Robles.
Noise distractions are also vital to ignore, or at least not respond in a negative way. This week Daisy had two of these distractions. A neighbor of ours plays in a band and now practices twice weekly in their home. Needless to say, it's loud during these two hours. What was sweet is the neighbor come over a few days ago and asked if the loud music would negatively impact Daisy. She did well, we even listened across the street. During their break, Daisy was able to visit the band to remove any mystery left in her mind. Great experience.
31 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
One day I took human Ray and human Stacy to a big place far away. When I jumped out of the truck, I saw a great big building. We went inside and, BARK!, the biggest yard I've seen! I'm thinking, "Look how many places I can go, you know!" As I started to run to my first spot, human Stacy said, "Wait Daisy, you need to stay with me", I was so sad!
But things got better, except for the tall plastic person. Before long I was running between human Stacy and human Ray. I had fun!
Then the fun stopped! Human Stacy called me over to this place where there stood a tall plastic man with no face. I was scared! He just stood there. I tried talking to him saying, "Bark", but no response. He was strange. Before long I was asked to sit next to him. I didn't want to! But I did. The entire time I kept an eye on him, just in case he tried something like to scare me.
After photos were taken, I quickly moved away from plastic man. He's creepy.
Wait! Today is Halloween, maybe my humans wanted me to get used to plastic man. So it makes sense that I will see him again. I hope plastic man doesn't come to my house tonight and ask for candy.
Sometimes it's hard being a growing puppy.