Week of
June 22, 2020
13 weeks old
Daisy was introduced to the vacuum cleaner this week. We are discovering how bold she is becoming! Vacuum noise and motion, not a problem. On the opposite end of the scale, Daisy still likes to be held, cuddled, even over on her back.
Training this week included continued "wait" training and introducing "down" after she sits. We also continued "get" training working with some of the items her client will need. We are also playing the Pull game where she latches on a strap and pulls. She will need this skill to pull open doors and move laundry baskets in the house.
We are playing Hide & Seek with Daisy. After hiding, I'm using my voice only, at times just making noises. So far Daisy can find we both ways.
Without being asked, Daisy continues to settle at me feet while I work on the computer.
Finally this week, I introduced "heel" through a simple fun activity that instantly rewards Daisy for her desired behavior.
Overall, Daisy is right on if not ahead of schedule in her development.

Week of
June 22, 2020
This week we continued our positive statements with the word "Yes", followed by Daisy's name. Also, we continue to find natural behaviors that we like and acknowledge those as well. Daisy is really responding to this positive method of training.
Daisy has the doorbell skill down about 85%. The other times are when we are watching her, she turns around, without ringing the bell, looking like she is thinking "Well, let's get to it", she's so cute! And this week Daisy is testing me by ringing the doorbell just to see if she gets a treat. We go out as normal, but with no action we go right back inside without judgement, reaction nor a treat!
At 13 weeks, Daisy is already proficient at the down game. About mid-week I used only hand signals, no words. She was right on. Then I used only words, "Daisy, down", she reacted the same.
Last week Daisy saw the skateboard for the first time. This week she explored more and got on herself. As she shifted her body toward the front, the board started to roll. Daisy just sat there looking at me. She is very adventurous and confident.
Alec and Mackenzie spent some time working with Daisy this week. It's so fun to watch each play and teach her. Madison has become Daisy's favorite person this week. Madi is teaching Daisy to say "I love you" in dog talk.

New this week!
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
Well this week I realized something about my humans. They need more to do!
Each time I need to go outside I ring the doorbell, and each time they pick me up and take me to the big green square. OK, I don't mind this so much except when my belly is full.
But then I realized that every time my belly was empty, which sounds like a human yelling "I want food!", the human would give me one, two or three pieces of food at a time. Each human there, the really tall man human and the pretty humans, all do this! Why? Don't they know I'm really hungry? Three times a day I have to sit and be patient waiting for their big human hands to give me food! Don't they know that I'm sitting up real straight or laying down, I'm waiting as patiently as a 13-week-old little puppy can wait and I look at cute as I can be? But I'm hungry, I'd like to gobble all of the food at once! That would be fun! Except after my tummy would not be happy.
So I wonder why do all the humans take so long to feed me? I think they might need a special friend. I'm not sure.
Don't they have better things to do? I guess not.