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Week 32

January 11,  2021


Week 32

January 11,  2021


Training Plan

Last week you read about the major parts of Daisy's remaining training.  If you have questions, please email me!

This week I bumped up the amount of training, still keeping individual sessions short, but now presenting additional opportunities.  We focused on Daisy's  button pushing she has learned over the past months.  Now we are putting this skill to practical use.  

We took Daisy to San Luis Obispo (SLO) for a long, very productive session.  We started with pushing the button to activate the crosswalk sign and timer.  Daisy had fun but took the activity seriously with great success.  

Daisy then had the opportunity to push a most important button.  Not the buttons Daisy pushes in the house training, not even the street crossing button, but the "button" on the wall that activates an automatic door.  She has the skills, now we are working on combining this skill with the reality of what happens when she activates the door opener.  This was Daisy's first real-world experience pushing this button outside of our protected training room.  The next step is the timing going through the open door, pausing as needed to keep the door open.  Daisy was great during this training!

Daisy continues her daily, more routine, training of basic skills that help build the more difficult skills coming during the next several months.

42 weeks old

Daisy continues her foundation skills:

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Wait

  • Heel 

  • Look at me

  • Doorbell

  • Shake

  • Leave it

  • Nice walk

  • Off

  • Come

  • Kennel

  • Stay

  • Backup

  • Open & Close Door

  • Confidence

  • Home

  • Off leash

  • NOW!

  • Ramp walking

  • Distractions

  • Walker

  • Bring it

  • Give it

  • Elevator

  • Airplane

  • Take-off and landing

  • University campus

  • New house

  • Hotel

  • City transportation sniff

  • City transportation ride

  • Advanced Walker training

  • Door open

  • Door close

  • Traffic light button push

  • Confidence

  • Opening doors

  • Closing doors

  • Carrying items

  • Crossing Highway 1

  • Working with distractions

  • Door opening with button

  • Crosswalk button in SLO

  • In store carry items

Daisy's Digs

A Puppies' Point of View

                                        By Daisy D.

What a week!  I took human Ray and Stacy on a tour of downtown SLO, I'm glad I was there because they didn't know how to cross the street!  While there, I helped human Stacy in the store where she looked for some pants.  I was also able to help human Stacy walk over big metal plates, over curbs and over really rough bricks.  I wonder how human Stacy gets along without me?

While in SLO, human Stacy had a difficult time getting into this building.  Again, she needed help pushing this big button.  I hope she doesn't need glasses because I guess she had trouble seeing this button.  And it was a BIG button!  So, over and over I helped human Stacy try to open this door so she could go inside.  I'm not sure what was so important inside that she needed.  Well, we never got the door open after all of those tries.  As we walked away, I saw a sign that read, "This branch closed due to Covid19", I guess human Stacy really needs to get her eyes checked!

Overall, it was a fun day exploring SLO and helping human Ray and Stacy find their way around.  I almost forgot, human Stacy asked me to carry a bag out of the store with things she bought.  So I did.  I like carrying things for her.

Now, I'm tired!

Sometimes it's hard being a growing puppy.



1-on-1 Service Dogs


Ray Zelenski - Owner

Send me a message


Located in Morro Bay, CA

Yes, we travel to other locations to place your service dog

and train the client.

Contact Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 10am
​​Saturday: 8am - 10am

(Other times are reserved for field training)

Pacific Standard Time

Doggie-Do-Good (DDG) is where our work with service dogs started.  They are a successful California company that continues to place service dogs in the community. 

© 2025 by 1-on-1 Service Dog Training - License #BL20-0184

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