Daisy's 4-Step Restroom Help

Week 34
January 25, 2021

Week 34
January 25, 2021

Daisy's Thoughts
This week we really focused on more complicated skills continuing with the 4-step restroom procedure.
Open bathroom door with "Open"
Close bathroom door with "Close"
Help you stand with "Steady"
Open bathroom door with "Open"
Daisy has performed each step, in no particular order, independently 100 or more times. Over the past several weeks I started having Daisy perform "Steady", then added "Close". Last week we started combining "Open, Close and Steady". This week Daisy learned to use the door handle extension with a lanyard attached to the end. Finally, this week all four parts were combined with amazing success.
The first "Open" used a door that was not latched so Daisy could just push it open. Next week she will learn how to use the handle, with extension but not lanyard, to open a latched door.
These skills, taught for the restroom, also can be used in various situations. For example; Daisy will be able to open office or classroom doors that have latch handles but do not have automatic doors triggered by the wall button. The wall button opening has been mastered by Daisy as it is similar to the crosswalk button she uses to cross Highway 1.
Daisy also continued to work on the "NOW!" protection behavior, carrying items, hugs and kisses and a number of skills that have become automatic or nearly automatic.
Also, Madi had a good time doing Daisy's hair. From the look in her eyes, I'm not sure Daisy is having a great time!
43 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
City transportation sniff
City transportation ride
Advanced Walker training
Door open
Door close
Traffic light button push
Opening doors
Closing doors
Carrying items
Crossing Highway 1
Working with distractions
Door opening with button
Crosswalk button in SLO
In store carry items
Sequence of tasks
Holding automatic doors
Restroom 4-step task
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
One day the big hot sun decided to leave and in it's place came water. I'm not talking about the water human Ray gives me in my bowl, nope, I'm talking about out of where we live. Outside, water!
I get up each day, after pretending I'm still sleeping, where I give hugs and kisses and wag my tail so fast it starts moving me back and forth, back and forth. After I greet everyone good morning, I'll take human Ray outside to see the blue sky and smell the fresh air, and do my business. But this day when the door opened, BARK!, all of outside looked like my water bowl! So I put on the brakes and thought, "Nope, not for me!" Human Ray kept saying, "Let's go outside", I just looked at him with my "You've got to be kidding" look I something use.
Without going outside, I went about my daily business like opening and closing doors, carrying things for poor old human Ray, things like that. Well after I did many things, I had to go out and, you know. So I went to the door where human Ray waits for me to go outside. The door opened and, BARK!, again! Water. OK, I thought, someone left the water hose on. Or maybe the blue sky sprung a leak. Or maybe our house lives in the big water?
Human Ray really didn't explain to me why water that should be in my water bowl is coming down from the sky. So I had to go out and take of business and get all wet.
Human Ray was really no help. He even said to me, "Wait until the rain turns to snow falling from the sky!" He's such a kidder! Water from the sky that comes down as snow. He's such a kidder!
Sometimes it's fun being a big girl puppy!