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Week 38
February 15, 2021

Week 38
February 15, 2021

Daisy's Thoughts
This past week found us traveling to Scottsdale, AZ. This was Daisy's first test being in a car more than a few hours. She did wonderfully! 1,200 miles without an issue, most of the time Daisy just slept.
Part of this training emphasized having Daisy working in a very congested space. Although the Pickleball event, Stacy was attending, was outside, it was pretty crowded at times. Daisy did great! By the time the tournament ended, Daisy knew about 100 of the players she had met. These people would call out Daisy's name to say hello and Daisy responded exactly as trained. She would sit, check in with me, wait for me to give the go ahead and then she greeted each.
Daisy not only worked among lots a people, she experienced a PupArreno from Starbucks!
One skill Daisy is learning is to hold automatic doors so they don't close on her client while using her walker. Daisy is right on this task. When I enter she hesitates about half-way through the doorway. Once I'm completely in the building, she moves forward allowing the door to close.
Daisy's ability to ignore distractions is vital to her success as a service dog. Although she is still a puppy (10 months) she is doing quite well. The more distractions, including people, the more she will eventually ignore when working.
The big test this week was Daisy riding for over 1,200 miles without an incident. She was totally fine jumping in the car and sleeping! We ended up in Scottsdale, Arizona for Stacy's pickleball tournament. This environment presented ample opportunity for Daisy to perfect her skills.
Overall, Daisy is right on track to finish her training by the end of April. These last two months will be spent working on the fine points of training and reviewing all of her skills from day one and beyond.
In case you're wondering, no, Daisy did not run into the law in Scottsdale. The officers loved Daisy and agreed to this photo!
46 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
City transportation sniff
City transportation ride
Advanced Walker training
Door open
Door close
Traffic light button push
Opening doors
Closing doors
Carrying items
Crossing Highway 1
Working with distractions
Door opening with button
Crosswalk button in SLO
In store carry items
Sequence of tasks
Holding automatic doors
Restroom 4-step task
Albertsons training
Tournament Skills
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
Last week I asked human Ray why we climbed on beach logs, climbed stairs, went down ramps and all of those other things we do together. All along I just knew all of these things we do was to help human Ray get through his day. Being old, sometimes human Ray needs some help opening doors, closing doors and he needs help standing up and sitting down. Then I noticed that when we climb rocks, trees and things like these, human Ray sometimes doesn't climb everything with me. So I asked. Human Ray said he already climbed the logs when he was younger. I was right! Human Ray is old.
Well, what human Ray did was different this week. He put me and some food in the car, he also put human Stacy in the car, then he drove away. I mean really far, far away! We went to this place called Scott's Dale, I thought he was a person, but no. When we arrived, we stopped in this tall building where human Ray says, "yes, she is a service dog", then the girl said, "OK".
What I didn't know was that for days and days I walked with human Ray all around this place where a million humans were all playing Pickleball, human Stacy plays pickleball so it was a good idea that she came with us. He had me walking, stopping, sitting, laying down and he asked for kisses and hugs. Human Ray also asked me to wait to help him get through every time we went in or out of the big glass sliding door. He was afraid the door would close on his because he is a bit slow. The door never even came close to grabbing human Ray because I stood in the middle.
Oh, human Ray said that all the things he does to help me become brave he will tell me next week. I'm not liking next weeks!
You know, it's fun being a big girl puppy!