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Week 39
February 22, 2021

Week 39
February 22, 2021

Daisy's Thoughts
Daisy continues her training but with a focus on confidence and her upcoming working environment. Her confidence is a vital factor in her success. We actually started this training at 8 weeks of age. This week I took Daisy through many of her experiences from the past nine months challenging myself to find something in which Daisy was not comfortable. I found it! During an outing to Santa Maria, about a one hour drive south of Morro Bay, there is a fountain with a unique design. As we approached, Daisy was lagging behind a bit with an worried stare. Actually, I was surprised to see this as it had been weeks since she was a bit scared. We walked around the fountain for about 10 minutes talking, looking and watching. For training, this was a positive discovery. At no time did I force Daisy to interact, we will return in a few weeks to see how she does with another interaction.
The other emphasis this week, and will continue, is having Daisy understand the sequence of events and associated behaviors. For example; Daisy knows that after she opens the bathroom door, she closes it. After she closes the door, she helps her client sit down. After sitting, the next step is to help her client stand. After this, she knows to wait for the signal to open the door.
Daisy also knows to automatically sit when I stop walking her. If I wait more than a few seconds, she knows to lay down and relax her hips. When I start to move forward, Daisy knows to jump up and walk next to me. Continuing the sequence idea, when we visit the grocery store, Daisy knows that when the automatic doors open she lets me through as she waits half-way through the door to block the signal that closes the door.
This week we continued the NOW! skill development. This is where with the NOW! command she moves in front of the walker. The next step of this sequence is to bark once if needed. The final step in to return to her position on my left side.
This idea of sequencing started when she was just a puppy with games and play. Most importantly, the human contact and positive response to her actions play a vital role in Daisy's training.
47 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
City transportation sniff
City transportation ride
Advanced Walker training
Door open
Door close
Traffic light button push
Opening doors
Closing doors
Carrying items
Crossing Highway 1
Working with distractions
Door opening with button
Crosswalk button in SLO
In store carry items
Sequence of tasks
Holding automatic doors
Restroom 4-step task
Albertsons training
Tournament Skills
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
Last week human Ray talked about me being brave and confident. This week he really showed me what he meant!
Before I tell you about that, I'll tell you about what I do everyday. Each day I still help human Ray with his walking, sitting and keeping him company. You know that each morning everyone in the house leaves except human Ray. I'm not sure why, but when this happens I know I am the only one who can help him during the day. Sometimes I feel bad for human Ray because he needs so much help with opening the door, closing the door and a bunch of other things he needs me to do for him.
But I keep wondering what he does to help me! He said he helps me be confident. This week I found out all about that! Once before, a long time ago, he took me to see a cow, which is a big brown animal with a long tail. But this week, wow! Human Ray took me to see a bunch of cows! Big ones, and baby ones! All cows! He took me right up to the fence where the cows were eating grass. And he had me sit right there, real quiet so I wouldn't scare the cows. We went back each day to watch the cows. It was fun after a few days because I wasn't scared at all, it was fun! That's when it hit me!!! Human Ray takes me to cows to make me brave and confident! At first, I though we stopped at the cows because human Ray was tired of walking. Or maybe he wanted to talk to the cows. But no, he stopped at the cows to make me brave! And after many days I felt confident being close to the cows!
You know something, even though human Ray is real old, I think he knows what he's doing.
You know, it's fun being a big girl puppy!