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Week 40

March 1,  2021


Week 40

March 1,  2021



Daisy's Thoughts

This past week Daisy and I spent the majority of our time reviewing learned skills.  Actually, the majority of our remaining training time will be spent reviewing and perfecting learned skills. 


There will be exceptions as newer skills are still being learned.  We continue to work on "NOW!" that brings Daisy in front of her client and walker in a protection mode.  Daisy is also still in training to retrieve items from a basket.  This week we change location so she can transfer this skill so not to be dependent on where we are training.


Each day Daisy watches her client on TV where I play a 30+ minute video.  This past week I added a clip where her client gives commands.  This week, Daisy will learn to respond to these commands even though I'm in the room.  This skill will be vital when she is transferred to her client and new family.  


This week we continued work on "Pressure".  This is a comforting skill that Daisy can use is her client is stressed or agitated.   Although we teach this initially in the home, it can be used anywhere.  This skill is also something each family member can reinforce with Daisy.  Not only is Pressure fun, it's a great bonding activity. 


When one wants Pressure from Daisy, lay down on the floor, bed or other flat surface, then either say the word, "Pressure" or tap your shoulders or chest.  Daisy will step over you and lay down.  Being only 11 months, her pressure time will increase as she matures.  


As of now, Daisy is scheduled to train with Madi today.  If all goes well, we will share her big adventure next week!




48 weeks old


Daisy continues her foundation skills:

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Wait

  • Heel 

  • Look at me

  • Doorbell

  • Shake

  • Leave it

  • Nice walk

  • Off

  • Come

  • Kennel

  • Stay

  • Backup

  • Open & Close Door

  • Confidence

  • Home

  • Off leash

  • NOW!

  • Ramp walking

  • Distractions

  • Walker

  • Bring it

  • Give it

  • Elevator

  • Airplane

  • Take-off and landing

  • University campus

  • New house

  • Hotel

  • City transportation sniff

  • City transportation ride

  • Advanced Walker training

  • Door open

  • Door close

  • Traffic light button push

  • Confidence

  • Opening doors

  • Closing doors

  • Carrying items

  • Crossing Highway 1

  • Working with distractions

  • Door opening with button

  • Crosswalk button in SLO

  • In store carry items

  • Sequence of tasks

  • Holding automatic doors

  • Restroom 4-step task

  • Happytime

  • Albertsons training

  • Tournament Skills

  • Sequencing

  • Pressure

Daisy's Digs

A Puppies' Point of View

                                        By Daisy D.


I've started to notice something about human Ray.  Every few days he has me jump into his truck.  And each time he puts on my, what he calls my "Seatbelt", to keep me safe.  I'm not sure yet what "safe" means but I do trust human Ray, so I let him clip me in.  After that, human Ray drives right down the street then stops his truck right in front of the big blue water.  


Sometimes I would get human Ray out of the truck and I'd take him walking in the sand.  Other times we would just sit in the truck and look at the water.  Here is where I'm noticing something about my human.  Human Ray just sits there, looking.  That's it!  Looking.  At what, I wonder?  Don't get me wrong, it's fun to be asked to join him in the front seat!  But after awhile, I just relax and close my eyes.  Actually, it's kind of nice going to sleep hearing the big blue water talk to me.  So one day I decided to ask human Ray why we just look at the water?  But I realized maybe he wants to walk on the sand but he's getting so old that he can't anymore.  But then we do walk, so nope.  Then I wondered if part of his job is to keep an eye on the big blue water.  But there are always people there watching, so nope again.  So this last time we went looking at the water I decided to ask human Ray why.  


Here's what he told me.  "I come here for a timeout when I need one."  So I'm thinking, what has he done wrong?  Did he bite someone?  Did he do his business in the wrong place?  Did he bark at the UPS truck?  By the way, I do bark at the big brown truck because he whooshes by so fast it scares me.   But I don't think human Ray barks at anything.  I was confused.


So this last time we looked at the big blue water, I just watched right along with human Ray.  It's nice to know I'm there with him after he's done something bad.


You know, it's thoughtful being a big girl puppy!




1-on-1 Service Dogs



Ray Zelenski - Owner

Send me a message


Located in Morro Bay, CA

Yes, we travel to other locations to place your service dog

and train the client.

Contact Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 10am
​​Saturday: 8am - 10am

(Other times are reserved for field training)

Pacific Standard Time

Doggie-Do-Good (DDG) is where our work with service dogs started.  They are a successful California company that continues to place service dogs in the community. 

© 2025 by 1-on-1 Service Dog Training - License #BL20-0184

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