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Week 42
March 15, 2021

Week 42
March 15, 2021

Daisy's Thoughts
This week for the first time Daisy performed her task "NOW!" in public. The process of learning this skill started about nine months ago when Daisy learned to walk on my left side. Then, about four months ago, Daisy learned to properly walk next to the walker with the "Heel" command. This is where she walks next to me on the left side right next to my knee, or close to it. Another part she learned is the "Check-in" skill where while walking she looks up to make eye contact with me. Finally, over the last month or so Daisy started working on the movement from my left side to in front of the walker with the single word command of "NOW!"
For a now eleven-month-old puppy, the sequence all four of these skills into one confirms her ability to process what I'm asking of her and perform it well. Now, Daisy is not perfect. As you see in the video she is still a puppy and, therefore, will do puppy things like put her front paws up on the walker. No punishment, just give it another try.
As mentioned prior, working in public presents it's own challenges. However, even these challenges provide a training opportunity. First, and most common, are people who want to know about Daisy. We embrace this experience as it provides multiple opportunities to work on her social skills. Unlike most service dog training, we encourage Daisy to connect to people as a way to desensitize to distractions. Other distractions you will see in the video are cars honking, children playing, bicycles, dogs and more. Daisy is to the point with her training where most of these are just part of her world.
50 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
City transportation sniff
City transportation ride
Advanced Walker training
Door open
Door close
Traffic light button push
Opening doors
Closing doors
Carrying items
Crossing Highway 1
Working with distractions
Door opening with button
Crosswalk button in SLO
In store carry items
Sequence of tasks
Holding automatic doors
Restroom 4-step task
Albertsons training
Tournament Skills
Retrieve items
NOW! in public
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
After last week's shark encounter, just teasing there was no shark, this week was pretty exciting as well. Human Ray is needy. He really is! I guess it's because he is, you know, so old. Lately he has wanted he to quickly jump to the front of the thing that helps him walk. He calls it a walker. So when I see human Ray needs his walker, I get ready to quickly move to the front when he says "NOW!" So each time, well most of the time, when he says this word I'll get to the front and look at him. When he is finished with me there, he tells me to go sit by his foot. The best part of this is when I'm out front sometimes he gives me a treat! I like that! Other times, he forgets.
One day I realized why he tells me "NOW!" and has me sit in front of him. Did I mention human Ray is getting a bit old? Well, he is. But that's ok, I still like him. After telling me a thousand times to "NOW!", I figured out he just wants to see what I look like! I guess when I'm walking by his foot he might forget what I look like so he has me come up front and look at him so he remembers! Actually, that's pretty smart. So when he gives me a treat that's an extra nice thing because he just wants to see my face.
So this week I decided that when he calls me to the front so he remembers what I look like, I have started to smile. That way I can give him a happy face that might make him feel better!
You know, it's fun being a big girl puppy!