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Week 43
March 22, 2021

Week 43
March 22, 2021

Daisy's Thoughts
One of Daisy's jobs is to help carry her client's books and notebook to class at the university. To do this we have outfitted Daisy with a special vest with saddlebags. I found that when I started working with her getting used to the new saddlebag vest, Daisy was not too crazy about the idea.
The very first time I set her up with the new bags she told me how unhappy she was by freezing in place. She wouldn't move. Not even her head! Like all training, we started slowly only leaving it on for a minute of so. Each time Daisy wore the vest and bags she would still freeze and look at me, but she started moving about slowly.
In a related topic, Daisy is totally ball driven at this age. She would play ball (fetch) 24/7 if allowed. So finally I got smart! I combined playing ball with wearing the vest and saddlebags. I wanted to see if she was just messing with me when she froze or if she had difficulty moving in the vest. It took one throw of the ball to get my answer! She can move just fine, just being stubborn.
Since her movement returned to her body, Daisy has been to the store, our favorite coffee shop and around the neighborhood.
The big news this week is Daisy is one year old! We had a little party inviting some of the neighbors that have adored Daisy since her arrival.
50 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
City transportation sniff
City transportation ride
Advanced Walker training
Door open
Door close
Traffic light button push
Opening doors
Closing doors
Carrying items
Crossing Highway 1
Working with distractions
Door opening with button
Crosswalk button in SLO
In store carry items
Sequence of tasks
Holding automatic doors
Restroom 4-step task
Albertsons training
Tournament Skills
Retrieve items
NOW! in public
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
Sometimes there are weeks that everything that happens I pretty much expect it. Human Ray and I go to the hardware store to see people. We go to the beach to talk to the big water. Some days we jump in the truck to drive, drive and drive. Then just when I'm tired of human Ray driving, we stop and get some water. Some of the time we go visit Mackenzie at her house and sometimes we visit Madison at the small water. Human Ray calls it a pool.
Well yesterday, which is part of this week, something very strange happened. First there were these things in our house that floated in the air. There were words on these things but I'm not sure what they said, I'm only 12 months old and can't read yet. Anyway, there was also more food that we can eat and things wrapped in pink paper. Then human Ray made a fire outside, all of these people came and started talking. But then the really strange part happened!
We were all outside when Madison put this thing on my head. It didn't hurt, it just felt funny. She said it was my crown. But I don't think so, I never had a crown. But then human Stacy gave me those pink wrapped things. Now usually human Ray would say, "Leave it", but not this time. He let me see what was inside. But lately human Ray has let me to things for myself without help, so maybe this was one of those times. I had fun biting and tearing the pink paper. I'd take a bite, then spit our the paper because it didn't taste good. I tore into all of these things when someone said, "she's amazing how she opens presents", not sure what that means. Here is the fun part of this strange day, there were snacks inside! And a toy! And three balls!!! I wonder if the people knew that I like playing ball?
Well if that wasn't strange enough, what came next was! Usually human Ray sings and plays his guitar inside during the day. But he never did this outside. This day human Ray and ALL of the other humans there started singing to me, and they were outside! They were singing Happy Birthday to me. Funny, I don't remember having a birthday before.
You know, it's strange being a big girl puppy!