Week 47
April 12, 2021

Week 47
April 12, 2021

Daisy's Thoughts
Daisy continues to be the wonderful 1-year-old puppy learning so much each week. This week, once again, we are reviewing everything Daisy has learned since 8 weeks of age. There is so much to cover, I broke up her review into three days, then repeat.
This week I decided to look at things from Daisy's point-of-view. Daisy thinks she persuaded me to let her tell her own story, but I tricked her into thinking that! I think. Maybe she did get into my head to take over video production and direction. I'm not quite sure but do enjoy her video. Her writing is the first part of her narration. See the video for the entire story. Enjoy!
54 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Open & Close Door
Off leash
Ramp walking
Bring it
Give it
Take-off and landing
University campus
New house
City transportation sniff
City transportation ride
Advanced Walker training
Door open
Door close
Traffic light button push
Opening doors
Closing doors
Carrying items
Crossing Highway 1
Working with distractions
Door opening with button
Crosswalk button in SLO
In store carry items
Sequence of tasks
Holding automatic doors
Restroom 4-step task
Albertsons training
Tournament Skills
Retrieve items
NOW! in public
Public transportation
Video commands
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
Hi, my name is Daisy. I’m a one-year-old service dog.
This is a story of what I do during the day. I told human Ray that it’s time I make the video, because, well it’s about me!
Here is what I did all this one day:
First, human Ray gets me up. He first uncovers my house then he opens the door. And he says “good morning Daisy”, that’s when I know it’s time for me to get up! Then human Ray asks “how are you today?”, to myself I say, “I don’t know yet, I just woke up”, to him I just stretch, then stretch some more. Then I start wagging my tail around in a circle. That means I’m really happy! Then I shake all over and it feels so good!
I go up on the couch but first I get the first toy I see and take it with me. I then sit down and lay my head on human Ray. He likes that because he missed me all night. Human Ray makes me breakfast, sometimes he puts yogurt in my food, that tastes so good! He also gives me water, not the old water, new water. I know the difference!
After water and food, I have to go up the hill, you know to do my business. But before I find my place, I look for cows. This day there were no cows.
Then I jump in the car and we went to the carwash. I didn’t quite remember what the carwash was, but since I’m in the car, I guess I’ll go.
Want to know the rest of this story? Watch the above video!