Week of
July 20, 2020
17 weeks old
Daisy continues her foundation skills:
Look at me
Leave it
Nice walk
Back up
Daisy took her first walk in Cayucos, a small beach town just north of us, where she noticed the seagulls. Initially, she tried to chase them without success. So I took the time to sit with her looking at and talking to her about the seagulls. The idea is to deescalate her desire to pray on them. This will take many episodes to get her to the point of ignoring the seagulls. Patience.
Madison and her friend Kate, took Daisy to a local coffee shop with patio seating. This was an informal training, but good experience in a public setting. All three girls had fun!

Week of
July 20, 2020
New Play Continued:
New Play:
Another fun activity was started this week. The game, "backup", which is a skill Daisy will need later on. We have a narrow sidewalk the length of the house enclosed by the house and a block wall. Perfect for training. After we play chase the ball, Daisy will sit facing me and I'll exclaim "Back up, back up". Because of how narrow the passage is, she will scoot backwards several steps then turn and run. She always comes back for more. Back up is a natural behavior that will help her later on with her client.
This was the first week Daisy returned for a "Play date" at the breeders. This gives her social time with other pups to play, chase and run. Daisy fit right in and experienced positive interaction.
Daisy had several more trips this week, twice to "The Rock", Morro Bay Rock, where she experienced numerous smells and textures. After one Rock visit, Daisy made her first trip to Central Coast Music in Morro Bay.
Overall, Daisy is right on if not ahead of schedule in her development.

Daisy's Thoughts
Daisy's Digs
A Puppies' Point of View
By Daisy D.
A lot of things happened this week! I started looking above my head and, "BARK!", there were moving things up there! Seagulls and birds, that's what the big human told me they were, just moving around. Funny, I saw lots more at the Big Water. So I decided to have fun and chase these birds! Well that didn't work because human Ray was scared he would be lost so he always put the leash on me, I feel bad for him, always scared I would leave him behind.
I have been taking the humans for long walks everyday. I want to lead them but I think they, again, get scared so I walk by their left knee, just so they don't cry.
So one day we went walk, walk, walk, a lots of walk. I got tired but we were almost home. We turned the corner and, "BARK!" there was a BIG animal right there on the other side of the fence. Then I remembered hearing that I was still growing and I think this is how big I will be! The big dog was the same color as me, so I barked to find out if this was my brother or sister. No bark back. As we went home I wondered, "Will I lose my bark when I get that big?"